Dying to Know Day - The GroundSwell Project
August 8, 2013 marked Australia’s first Dying to Know Day, a time dedicated to conversations and community actions around death and dying. The aim of this inaugural event was “to encourage all Australians to develop new knowledge and attitudes about how to deal with death and bereavement and support each other at the end of life.” From Canberra to Melbourne to Tasmania, locally organized events included Death Cafés, Pub Conversations about Healthy Dying, and a forum on Goya and Ars Moriendi.
Dying to Know Day is just one of several creative initiatives advanced by the GroundSwell Project which uses the arts to bring about social and cultural change. Founding Director Kerrie Noonan reached out to the Action Mill regarding My Gift of Grace and the Death and Design website, further evidence of a worldwide groundswell to unhide death in life affirming ways.